Sunday, September 24, 2006

Praying for New Life

Yesterday, Camille and I went to pray the rosary with a group of people from our parish in front of an abortion clinic.

I have to say, I've never been more aware of what a precious gift new life is, and what a horror abortion is, than I am now as someone who is trying to conceive and hoping and praying for children of our own. It's so hard to know others are destroying and throwing away what I am longing for. I suppose those are slightly selfish reasons to grieve the tragic destruction of human life...but it's what I feel.


Blair said...

Praying for you, Stephanie! I remember how certain aspects of my life (desiring children, miscarrying, watching friends lose children through death or miscarriage), have made the abortion issue so real to me. I hope that our trials can help these women who struggle with unplanned pregnancies and the after effects of abortion.

Stephanie said...

Amen to that! Thanks for your prayers =)

Kasia said...

"I suppose those are slightly selfish reasons to grieve the tragic destruction of human life...but it's what I feel."

Probably a little selfish, but entirely natural. It's hard to watch someone disdain a gift that you want so much, and when the gift is life I think it's drawn into sharpest relief. I'll certainly keep you in my prayers as well.

It's also a good reminder, to me, to be grateful for everything I've been given. I don't know how much someone else may be longing for something I take for granted.

I'm enjoying your blog so far - keep it up!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the prayers and kind words, Kasia, glad you're enjoying the blog!

Pup said...

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday "You can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion" I understood it :) It made me think of you. I never would've pictured you outside an abortion clinic, were yall protesting or just praying?

Stephanie said...

Nice bumper sticker! :-D

We were just praying, and there were a few counselors there to talk to the women going in, offering help, support, handing out rosaries, etc.