A Catholic housewife's musings on life, theology, philosophy...and the daily monotonous tasks of homekeeping.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The Eucharist Means Thanksgiving...
And so, this is particularly appropriate today. Curtsy to Mark Shea for posting this, and especially to The Ironic Catholic for creating it! I love it!
Here's my life in a nutshell - I was raised in the Church of Christ, met a French Catholic guy online in my teens, tried to convert him to the Church of Christ, and-SURPRISE!-ended up converting myself to Catholicism. We ran off to France and got married, came back to the states, I got a degree in English, he got a degree in Computer Science, he got a job, and I am now happily living life as a Catholic housewife.
Happy thanksgiving !!!
Thanks! :-D
Hee! That's cute!
That's cool, I like it!
Glad you liked it! :)
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