Thursday, April 26, 2007

Attention Readers in California!

If there are any lucky readers in California, I just wanted to mention that Bruce Sullivan, a former CoC minister turned Catholic, and a poster on my board, will be speaking on Thursday May 3rd and Friday May 4th in Temecula, CA. The talks are centered around his conversion story and what he has found in the Catholic faith. The talk on Friday night will be on the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture. You can see the flyer here.

Also, on Saturday, May 5th he'll be giving three talks in West Covina, CA.

If anyone lives in the area, Bruce would be very glad if you can come out to the talks and help him represent the growing number of former Campbellites who have gone from the "Church of Christ" in name to the Church of Christ in fact!

Also, Bruce has been on Marcus Grodi's wonderful program, The Journey Home previously to share his conversion story, and to help answer questions on the open line. On June 4th, he'll be on the program again for Open Line Monday, so be sure to tune in then!

God be with Bruce as he shares his faith, and talks about the unique journey from Campbellism to Catholicism!


Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

I just finished reading his book, it was excellent! What a story.

Stephanie said...

How cool! I'm planning on getting it, but haven't yet =)