Monday, February 05, 2007

How Very Sad...

This is what happens when the culture of death is so prevalent that you can get abortion pills over the counter.

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Feb. 5 (UPI) -- A 26-year-old man in Sweden will face assault charges and abortion law violations after he allegedly slipped his pregnant girlfriend abortion pills.

How appropriate that St. Catherine of Sweden is the patron saint against abortion. St. Catherine, pray for us. Holy Mother, pray for us.


Kasia said...

How horrible. What a miracle that she didn't actually miscarry - thank God for that. Sounds like everyone involved needs a lot of prayer.

elena maria vidal said...

I did not know that Saint Catherine of Sweden was patroness against abortion. Thanks!

Stephanie said...

Neither did I, lol! No prob =)

Anonymous said...

If he gets anything more than a dirty look from a judge it will prove the utter hypocrisy.

A fetus (for the sake of the argument) is either a lump of lifeless cells or its a human being with the same right to life as an adult.

There is absolutely no in between.

So to be consistent and honest, his crime is either on par with cutting his girlfriend's hair while she sleeps or its attempted murder.

Stephanie said...

I certainly agree, GFF!